故事奇闻英文,急!英语演讲稿 趣味故事 奇闻等吸引人


有趣的英语短语 1

a cock and bull story


【英文解析】a story or explanation which is obviously not true


【典型例句】① she couldn’t pay her debt, instead she told me汪 cock and bull story about having been robbed.她还不了债,还编了个弥天大谎说她遭劫了。

② Victor arrived late and told us some cock and bull story about his train catching fire.维克托返到了,却对我们胡说他所坐的火车着火了。

【注释】1620年左右,这个短语第一次出现。据说当时英国有一家公路旅馆,店名就叫做疲倦的旅行者在这儿过夜休息,他们经常聚在一起侃大山,讲他们所经历的一些奇闻逸事。当然,这些经历不要求真实,怎么奇特就怎么来。久而久之,cock and bull story就成了“鬼话连篇”、“弥天大谎”的代名词。

有趣的英语短语 2

a Fabian policy


【英文解析】a policy of delays and cautions


【典型例句】① George Washington adopted a Fabian policy during the War of Independence.乔治?华盛领在独立战争中采取过拖延战术。

② What he adopted was a Fabian policy.他所采取的是慎重的待机政策。

【注释】公元前218年,在第二次布匿战争(the Second Punic War)中,罗马统帅费边(Fabius Maximus)以拖延、回避和消耗战术与强敌迦太基名将汉尼拔(Hannibal)周旋。这一缓进待机的拖延战术一度在罗马引起争议,最终却使罗马反攻成功。

有趣的英语短语 3

a Parthian shot


【英文解析】a remark or action, often an unkind one, that somebody makes just as they are leaving


【典型例句】① As Jim walked out of the door, his parting shot was,“I never want to see any of you again.”吉姆走出门时说了一句狠话:“我再也不想见到你们任何一个人。”

②“Well,you’d better be carefiil,” he said threateningly. And, with that parting shot, he stormed out of the room. 1他恐吓道:“哼,你们最好小心一点儿。”说完就怒气冲冲地大步走出了房间。

【注释】词源学家认为,parting shot的本源是Parthian shot。 Parthian Empire(帕提亚王国)位于现伊朗东北部,据说,帕提亚人精于射箭,他们最有名的战术是“假装退却,然后再回身放箭杀伤敌人”。由此,Parthian shot常用来指“回马射”,“回马枪”。现常用来指“一方在争吵中居于劣势时,扔下一句戗人语(颇有影响力的回击语或余味无穷的报复语),然后愤然离去”。变体:a parting shot。

有趣的英语短语 4

1.moon away虚度时光



4.over the moon欣喜若狂


6.aim [level] at the moon想入非非,野心太大

7.as changeable as the moon象月亮一样善变;反复无常

8.boast above [beyond] the moon捧上天,海阔天空地吹牛

9.cast beyond the moon痴心妄想;胡乱猜测,想入非非

10.bark [bay] at the moon [bay the moon]空嚷嚷;徒劳;枉费心机

11.cover oneself with the moon露宿(指流浪汉与失业者)

12.cry [ask, wish] for the moon异想天开,想做办不到的事情,想要得不到的东西

13.old moon in new moon*s arms新月抱残月(指上弦月出现时,另外半边受地球的反光,隐隐显出圆月的轮廓)

14.praise above [beyond] the moon过分颂扬;捧天上

15.shoot the moon(为避债)乘黑夜搬家

16.promise somebody the moon对某人作无法兑现的许诺

17.The moon is a moon still, whether it shines or not。或明或暗,月亮总是月亮。

18.The moon is not seen where the sun shines。太阳一出,月亮失色;小巫见大巫。

19.once in a blue moon极少;千载难逢

20.pay [offer] the moon支付一大笔款项

21.the man in the moon月中人(指月面的黑斑);假想的人

22.The moon does not heed the barking of dogs.(=Does the moon carefor the barking of a dog?)



翻译为 Arabian Nights


三、急!英语演讲稿 趣味故事 奇闻等吸引人

Shredded euro confettiscandalisestown


PARIS(Reuters)- A lavish wedding where newly-weds weresprinkledwith shredded euro-note confetti has provoked outrage ina Frenchtown, a newspaper reported.


Liberation said angry locals in the southern town ofSetescrambled on the ground to scrape up the bits of 5, 10, 20 and50euro notes scattered at the July 8 nuptials.


People chucking money away in the street for everyone tosee!said Frederic, a resident quoted by the newspaper.


Around 200 people attended the ceremony, which included afireworkdisplay estimated to have cost 40,000 euros($51,000), thepapersaid. The bride was the daughter of a local businessmen whomade hismoney in textiles.


Townspeople lodged a complaint with police since destroyingbanknotes is a crime in France. Police and a spokesman at the townhallwhere the couple were married declined to comment.



It might make a larger omelette but a bigger egg isn't necessarily a better one— and it certainly doesn't make the hen that laid it very happy.

That is the view of the chairman of the British Free Range Producers' Association, who says that if you want to be kind to hens, you should eat medium, not large or very large, eggs.

“It can be painful to the hen to lay a larger egg,” Tom Vesey, who keeps 16,000 hens on 45 acres at Dingestow, Monmouth, told The Times.“There is also the stress, which is a big problem as it takes more out of hens to lay large eggs. It would be kinder to eat smaller eggs. Whenever I go to the Continent people eat medium-sized eggs yet here the housewife seems to be wedded to large eggs.”

He also suggests people would do better eating a breakfast of two medium-sized eggs rather than one large one.“I prefer medium eggs,” he said,“They taste better, are less watery and don't run off the plate.”

Mr Vesey, who says he is determined to change egg-shopping habits, insists that farmers only produce large eggs because they receive more for them from supermarkets. The average price for 12 free-range eggs paid to a farmer is 77p for medium,?1 for large and just over?1 for very large.

Mr Vesey has been criticised by industry chiefs for raising the issue in The Grocer but animal welfare experts say his argument is valid. Phil Brooke, of Compassion in World Farming, said:“Selectively breeding hens for high productivity, whether larger eggs or larger numbers of eggs, can cause a range of problems such as osteoporosis, bone breakage and prolapse. We need to breed and feed hens

so that they can produce eggs without risk to their health or welfare.”



Tom Vesey在蒙茅斯的丁格斯托有一家占地45英亩的养鸡场,共蓄养了16000只母鸡。他告诉《泰晤士报》记者:“对于母鸡来说,产下一个大个的鸡蛋可能会是一件痛苦的事情。母鸡还要面对产蛋的紧张情绪。这也是一个大问题,因为要下大个的蛋,母鸡的付出也更多。还是吃小点的鸡蛋吧,那样更人道。欧洲大陆上的人们都吃中号的鸡蛋,而英国的家庭主妇们似乎对大号的鸡蛋情有独钟。”



鸡蛋产业领袖批评Vesey先生在《杂货商》杂志中提出鸡蛋个头的问题是小题大作,但动物权利专家认为Vesey先生的观点有道理。世界农场动物福利协会的Phil Brooke说:“无论是为了得到更大的蛋还是更多的蛋,有意促进母鸡生产能力的做法都会造成诸如骨质疏松、骨折和脱臼等一系列问题。我们在养殖母鸡的过程中不应该损害它们的健康或者福利。


