关于金融百科知识英语-关于金融百科知识英语翻译 2025-01-27 05:19:41 0 0 财政、金融、财务是不同的概念,为啥在英文里都是Finance呢? finance泛指金融、融资、财务管理,其根本意思是资助,各种资助以及与资助相关的行为,都叫做finance。国外的finance 是指 corporate finance 和 asset pricing. 其中 corporate finance 包括公司财务, 但公司财务只是一部分, 还有公司融资和治理等. finance 只是统称. 英语简单介绍金融学? Finance is the study of managing funds, investments, and financial markets. It encompasses the theories and practices of individuals, businesses, and governments in acquiring, managing, and utilizing funds. Finance mainly focuses on the following aspects: 1. Capital Markets: It studies the stock, bond, and other securities markets, as well as capital financing and investment activities. This includes stocks and bonds trading, initial public offerings (IPOs), and mergers and acquisitions (M&A). 2. Financial Institutions: It examines the roles and operations of various financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, and investment firms. This includes analyzing their functions in providing financial services, managing risk, and facilitating economic activities. 4. Financial Management: It focuses on the principles and techniques used by businesses and individuals to manage their financial resources. This includes budgeting, financial planning, and analyzing financial statements to optimize profitability and sustainability. 5. Risk Management: It deals with identifying, analyzing, and mitigating risks in financial activities. This involves assessing potential risks, such as market fluctuations, interest rate changes, and credit defaults, and implementing strategies to minimize their impact. Overall, finance plays a critical role in shaping the allocation and utilization of funds within an economy, enabling individuals, businesses, and governments to make informed financial decisions. 金融英文缩写怎么写? 金融英文缩写Finance 金融(Finance、Finaunce)是市场主体利用金融工具将资金从资金盈余方流向资金稀缺方的经济活动。[1]金融是货币资金融通的总称。主要指与货币流通和银行信用相关的各种活动。主要内容包括:货币的发行、投放、流通和回笼;各种存款的吸收和提取;各项贷款的发放和收回;银行会计、出纳、转账、结算、保险、投资、信托、租赁、汇兑、贴现、抵押、证券买卖以及国际间的贸易和非贸易的结算、黄金白银买卖、输出、输入等。 金融的英文缩写? wgl是WaveformGenerationLanguage的缩写。金融英文缩写Finance。 金融(Finance、Finaunce)是市场主体利用金融工具将资金从资金盈余方流向资金稀缺方的经济活动。[1]金融是货币资金融通的总称。主要指与货币流通和银行信用相关的各种活动。主要内容包括:货币的发行、投放、流通和回笼;各种存款的吸收和提取;各项贷款的发放和收回;银行会计、出纳、转账、结算、保险、投资、信托、租赁、汇兑、贴现、抵押、证券买卖以及国际间的贸易和非贸易的结算、黄金白银买卖、输出、输入等 收藏(0)